Cookie policy

This website uses some functional cookies – such as remembering language settings – and non-functional cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that remember your preferences as you surf and store them on your own computer.

Do cookies know who you are?

No! A cookie does not know your name, address, age or other personal information. They only remember your preferences and interests based on your surfing behavior.

Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics to track website traffic. This collection of traffic data is done to improve the website. The information that Google collects, including by means of cookies, Google must pass on to third parties if it is legally obliged to do so. Google may also pass this data on to third parties to the extent that the data is processed by third parties on behalf of Google. AM will not use traffic data to track individual users.

So-called "embedded content" is also used on some pages. This can be, for example, a YouTube video, a widget or a social media button. By loading this information, cookies from the respective provider are also included. The AM has no influence on these cookies.

Settings regarding cookies

All commonly used Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and their equivalents for mobile devices) offer the option of completely deleting and permanently rejecting cookies via the respective settings.

Disabling cookies